
Sprint Saturday


Our ancient ancestors moved… A LOT. Whether it was squatting around a camp fire, chasing game, carrying their children, walking miles to forage for food, running from animals trying to eat them or climbing trees to acquire food, they moved almost constantly and in both the vertical and horizontal planes. Modern human beings, specifically in Western culture, live in a way that is very far from the natural, active setting we evolved in. Because of this, we are getting physically weaker, less agile, and aging before our time. What’s worse is many young people can’t undertake basic physical fitness activities due to the amount of time spent sitting in classrooms or on the couch with a video controller. There are many things that can be done both for adults and for youth to combat our current sedentary lifestyle.

Two big questions to ask yourself:

  1. Relatively athletic people, under age 35, should be asking, “What am I doing to maintain the mobility, flexibility and freedom of movement I currently enjoy?”
  2. Sedentary people, under the age of 35, and relatively athletic people 35 and older ought to be asking, “What am i doing that will keep me from falling and breaking my hip when I’m 70 and will help keep me out of a nursing home?”

If you don’t have a good answer for those questions then read on because Coach D does.

The Mission:

  • Coach D’s mission is to teach Natural Running and functional Natural Movement principles in order to reduce injuries, improve performance, and promote lifelong healthful movement.
  • Coach D’s Natural Running offers four services to enhance and improve your quality of life. These are: Natural Running coaching, Natural Movement coaching, Kettlebell instruction and Home Habitat Assessments.

Natural Running Coaching:

Natural Running isn’t barefoot running, although it can be done barefoot. It is the way the human body is meant to run in its purest form and the way human beings have run since we first existed. Natural Running means running with efficient biomechanics, centered around landing lightly on the forefoot, falling forward with gravity, then pulling your foot off the ground, instead of pushing off with muscular force. Practicing Natural Running is simple, but you must unlearn old habits, learn proper technique, and allow the lower legs and feet to re-adapt to a correct human running style. Ultimately, Natural Running can help make any runner more robust, more efficient, and less prone to injury. There are a few different ways to learn and practice Natural Running. I teach the POSE Method of Running since it’s a straightforward and replicable process for teaching someone to run physiologically correctly.

Natural Movement Coaching:

Natural Movement is a health & fitness discipline based on the practice of ancestral human movement skills. It encompasses the skills of breathing, ground movement, walking, running, jumping, vaulting, balancing, crawling, climbing, swimming, lifting, carrying, throwing, catching, and self-defense skills such as striking and grappling. Humans no longer live in the natural ancestral setting; we have lost the rich diversity of movement previously enjoyed by wild humans and are reduced to a few commonly overused movement patterns. Some of the patterns we’re all familiar with are standing in line at the store, sitting behind a desk, sitting behind a car steering wheel, walking to the mailbox, and sitting on the couch watching television at night. If you’re an athlete, you could add linear running and linear weightlifting as additional habitual movement patterns. Being stuck in these limited consistent movement patterns eventually casts your body into unnatural postures leading to health problems, physical dysfunction, and pain. Natural Movement training aims to regain diverse evolutionary and biological movement patterns to foster, restore, and/or maintain health, fitness, well-being, happiness and even a sense of freedom. Developing a Natural Movement practice sets a healthy baseline of agility, mobility, and flexibility to support a healthy lifestyle or additional athletic endeavors. The type of Natural Movement training taught by Coach D is called MovNat.

Home Habitat Assessment:

The large majority of human beings on this planet are domesticated and no longer live in the wild. We dwell in the zoo of cities and suburban life. Unlike other zoo animals, humans at least get to pick their cage (home habitat). Most people design their homes for comfort and aesthetics, with very little thought into how their home habitat promotes or destroys their health and longevity. Coach D’s Home Habitat Assessment will provide you with actionable ideas of how to best use your existing living space to maximize healthy habits and increase your home habitat’s fitness-promoting potential. A thoughtfully designed home habitat can add years to your active life and assist in the gradual correction of biomechanical dysfunction such as a rounded back, stiff shoulders, and a general lack of agility.


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